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The Ign'nikhu Pantheon

Below is the Ign'nikhu Pantheon, separated first by Old Gods and New Gods, then by power. The Old Gods are the first deities and the ones responsible for creating and shaping the world and the planes. The New Gods are those lucky enough to find their way into divinity. Ignalpha first created the worlds, including the material plane and the Void, then created Olar, Arcus, Erill, Talex, Dustroll, Ehrmonia, Cynostia, and Zul-Mad-Hai to rule various aspects of existance. He then created the deities of the races, to protect the various forms of life he'd made. Feeling there was still something missing, he created Altru and Plexia to help him solve his quandry. Altru determined his creation of procreating life and created an urge to procreate himself. Plexia determined it must be done. She birthed his first son, Prabeta. Feeling this still not good enough, he sired another child with Ehrmonia, to be named Erupsi. But after this, he determined this was not what he had been missing, and realized all his creation was multiplying and filling existance. So he created a final son, Olnega, to bring death to the world, which he felt was a fitting end to his creating.

The Old Gods

The New Gods

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