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Rin'nikhan are civilized looking humans native to the Rin'nikhu region.  They are of standard human height with skin tones ranging from pale to redish-brown. Hair can vary from reds to blondes to any shade of brown or even black. Eyes are usually brown, with green or blue eyes being a rare possibility. Their drive for adventure sets them apart from humans of other regions and presents them as rather eager to progress.


As PHB, except as follows:

-Second Favored Class: Any: Rin’nikhan humans are adventurous and adaptable.

-Automatic Language: Rian


Harken are the native humans of the Western Badlands and the Eastern region. Their skin tones are deep tan and dark red and have hair of mid tone brown or black. Eye colors are usually brown, reddish brown, or red. They are often tattooed with symbols representing their tribes, the races of their friends, or their skills and professions.  Harken don’t tend to have tattoos merely for adornment, preferring to wear them in obvious places to clearly present to people who they are, perhaps a side-effect of being so frequently un-trusted.


As PHB, except as follows:

-Harken do not gain a skill point per level as normal humans

-Harken gain a +2 Racial bonus to Bluff, Sense Motive, and Survival. Harken have been forced to become wittier than normal Humans.

-Harken gain a +1 to all saving throws.  Their life at a constant disadvantage has made them tougher to take down.

-Automatic Language: Kroeakhan

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